Free Intro to Reiki Webinar
Ready to know a little more about Reiki?
I’ve created a FREE Intro to Reiki Webinar just for you!
I work with folks from all walks of life and professions who are ready to take their life to the next level, adding more healing to themselves and the world, increase their vibration and get back into alignment with who they know they are. Reiki is a holistic energy healing modality based out of Japan.
It's an intuitive healing art and just by getting attuned to Reiki, your intuition increases exponentially!
What you’ll learn in the Free Intro to Reiki Webinar
Reiki is one of the fastest growing fields of holistic healing! Millions have already taken classes and are using it in their daily lives!
During this 90-minute FREE Intro to Reiki Webinar you will learn the most common questions around Reiki:
- How to not be drained by other people’s energy
- Learn how to feel energized and empowered naturally
- What is Reiki
- What can you use it on + how you can use it in your daily life
- and so much more!
PLUS, I even include a bonus! You’ll learn my top three tips for working with energy!
These are the things that I teach almost all of my students and clients!
Reiki is one of the most powerful tools to learn how to come into alignment with your Soul. Revealing your soul's purpose, your highest good and setting an incredible foundation for trusting your Self.
When you learn Reiki you will be able to give Reiki treatments on yourself, others, animals and even how to use Reiki in your daily life! You will also learn about the Chakras, the state laws for practicing Reiki and by the end of the course you will be able to demonstrate how to complete a full session with another person. This loving and supportive modality brings out your innate divine healing abilities.
Ready? Let’s do this!
Pick which communication mode works best for you:
Spoken English or American Sign Language (ASL)
Your teacher
PC: Valerie Blake Photography
This webinar is taught by ashley koe, Energy Intuitive + Coach, Certified Reiki Master Teacher and Founder of Align & Thrive™.
I'm committed to empowering you to connect with your intuition on deep levels and add more ease, flow and healing into every area of your life.
I provide a good balance between the human experience and the spiritual level.
You should also know that I describe myself as a professional button-pusher, champion of your soul and I love to create sacred healing spaces for transformations to take place.
In a nurturing way I get to the heart of the matter. It’s just the way I am able to sense energies. Not to worry though, it’s a great balance and is a compassionate no-nonsense approach.
With a background in social justice and direct services, I have a trauma-informed, healing-centric, soul-championing approach to all of my teachings.
I am hearing and also have the privilege of communicating in American Sign Language (ASL). So as you will see throughout the site and my offerings, you will be able to pick which language or communication mode you will prefer.
*** 🌞 Summer Solstice Special ☀️***
The Annual Summer Solstice Special is back!
Register for the Self Paced Online Reiki Course and get a FREE 90-mins Private Session with me! ($300 value)
*** Must register by 11:59pm PT, Friday, 6/30/23 ***
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What if we had a world full of people who knew how to stay centered in their own energies rather than continually getting bombarded with other’s. Join me in sharing about this with others by sharing this FREE webinar with them too!
Together we can ease the burden of the weight of the world we carry on our shoulders and allow each other to breath a little lighter, feel a little less guilty and even more joyful while still changing the world and being in tune with energies.